Sunday, October 15, 2023

我的第一书出版了!My First Book is Published!

book cover

  • 「出版物價值觀導向很重要,在書中有多處宣傳美國價值觀,貶低中國的地方,這類言論在中國肯定是不能出版的。」
  • 「涉及宗教、禁書的,是出版物中忌諱的,都需要刪除。」
  • 「要在中國言論管制嚴格的環境下出版,什麼話該說不該說可能還是要充分考慮。」
  • 「刪除篇幅較大。您看是否能接受這樣的刪改?如果不能接受刪改,恐怕出版工作就進行不下去了。」





Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Seven years after my TED talk | TED演讲七年之后

I have the fortune to give a talk about the power of reading at the TED2013 conference. In it I told the story of how my childhood dream of becoming a Chinese opera singer got crushed, and how reading saved me from becoming cynical of life.

Almost 40 years after the death of that childhood dream,  I've long assumed that Chinese opera and my life would never cross. To my surprise, while visiting my college professor Lv Xiaoping in Nanjing in 2018, I found myself get connected to the circle of Chinese opera. At that time he had already promised Mao Weitao, a famous Yue opera actress specialized in playing men onstage, that he would write another academic paper about her art in 2019, the 40th anniversary of Mao's career. The 2014 paper by Prof. Lv, The Meaning of Mao Weitao to Modern Chinese Opera, has made him one of most trusted and respected opera researchers for Mao.

During our conversation, Prof. Lv mentioned a dilemma he was facing -- He had no time to research and write that promised paper, while his graduate students, who had time, had difficulty taking on the project because they seldom go to Chinese opera. Something must have got to my mind because I immediately volunteered to work on the project: I love Yue opera since childhood and have been listening to Mao's performance since her debut; Even though my doctorate in mass communication bears no direct association to Chinese opera, the media psychology theories I have been trained to use are completely suitable for analyzing Chinese opera, a form of communication.

吕老师一听也动心了,当场打电话征询茅威涛团队,几天后我们就在杭州和茅威涛面对面讨论,一拍即合。接下来十六个月我的业余时间大多花在观摩、采访、读资料、讨论和写作上面,除了期间因为父亲去世而暂停一段。总算沒白干,写完《为现代人改编传统戏:以角色代入理论评析茅威涛的越剧创新》,发表在 2020年1月出版的《戏剧与影视评论》上。
Prof. Lv was intrigued by my proposal and called Mao's team right there for their thoughts. A few days later, we were in Hangzhou talking face to face with Mao and reached a deal. During the following 16 months, I spent most of my free time on watching operas, interviewing people, reading research, discussing ideas, and writing the paper. The only break I took was when my father passed away. All that work paid off. My paper, "Adapting Traditional Opera for Modern Audience: Using the Identification Theory to Review Mao Weitao's Yue Opera Reform," was published in the journal of "Stage and Screen Reviews" in Jan 2020.

茅威涛、吕老师 ,谢谢你们给我机会和信任!命运有时真的很神奇,出乎意料地给我一个机会去抚慰自己少年时对戏曲的执念。命运可以很粗暴,也可以很温柔,取决于我们遇到什么人,取决于我们怎样去回应。
Mao Weitao and Prof. Lv, thanks for giving me this opportunity and your trust. Fate can be truly magical at times. It has unexpectedly given me a chance to pacify my inside teenager's obsession with opera. Fate can be brutal or gentle, depending on who we meet and how we respond.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Voting for the First Time 第一次投票

On the eve of 2012 presidential election, I gave a 6-minute talk about my experience of voting for the first time as part of a mini TED on Nov 5, 2012. The video ended up on the TED blog.

"What one does may not change the outcome of an event, but it's never in vain. To participate is to say 'yes' to life, to join the force of life." I feel really honored to be given the opportunity to tell my story. I hope it has inspired some people to vote.